The Essential Hospital Bag Checklist
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Last updated on November 25th, 2024 at 01:22 pm
There are a lot of hospital bag lists out there, and they tend to be 20-30 items long, like you’re packing for an entire vacation. I did all the things for my first pregnancy, and then I way simplified for my second pregnancy. So, this is my essentials-only list, the things I’ll be packing in my hospital bag for baby #3. If I’ve got room, maybe I’ll add some more, but I doubt it.
A few notes to start
The fact is that the hospital will provide quite a bit, so you don’t actually need too much until you’re home. They’re typically providing diapers, wipes, swaddles, and even formula depending on what they have. They’ll usually have bottles, but if you want something specific, you might need to bring it. For you, they’ll have mesh underwear and pads, but you can bring your own adult diapers (which are great, by the way). They’ll also have things like a spray bottle and witch hazel pads.
When it comes to your hospital bag, that’s really it. If you want something specific for them or you, bring it. Otherwise, the hospital has it. If you’re not sure, give them a call.
Your partner might also have their own bag with things they need, like toiletries, extra clothes/PJs, snacks, and maybe even a pillow.
Hospital Bag Essentials
10-foot phone charger cords
One of the best purchases I ever made (even outside of my hospital bag) was 10-foot phone charger cords. Make sure you have two – one for you and one for dad. Because you never know where those outlets are going to be, and you’ll obviously want your phone on you. A couple of super-long charger cords are going to save you.
Necessary toiletries
Some moms might disagree with me, but I don’t pack shampoo or soap for the shower. I personally have thick, curly hair, and the water pressure in the hospital didn’t even get my hair wet. So, I sucked it up and took a much better shower once I was home.
That being said! Wipes (and maybe dry shampoo) are good in this case. Toothbrush and toothpaste are definitely necessary. You’ll probably want deodorant, moisturizer, hair ties, and hair brush to help feel normal. This also includes contacts if you wear them.
Water bottle and snacks you want
Make your life easier and pack a water bottle that you can just refill. Personally, I don’t think hospital food is too bad, and they’ll feed you pretty often. But if you want specific snacks, then you’ll need to bring them.
Entertainment stuff
I personally packed my iPad with some downloaded shows on it, as well as a couple of books that I could switch through depending on my mood. My husband packed his iPad, too. Headphones can definitely be useful!
Both of my sons ended up spending some time in the NICU, so having slippers that I could put on and visit was great. Plus, slippers are comforting and fun, and you might just be happy to have them in your hospital bag.
Similar to the slippers, a robe is just nice to have. Being able to pull on a robe so I wasn’t wearing a hospital gown to visit my sons was helpful. Plus, you might just be cold or want that extra comfort.
Going home outfit for you
You’ll need a postpartum outfit. You won’t be nearly as big, but you’ll still have a belly for sure, so bring something baggy and comfortable. Comfort is key when it comes to this. Take into account what season your due date is in as well if you’re packing way ahead of time. A good, supportive bra and easy-to-slip-on shoes are worth packing.
Going home outfit for baby
Your baby needs an outfit! Taking the season into account is super important here. Newborns, in general, tend to get cold, but if you’re taking them home during the winter, you’ll want them extra bundled up. So, definitely onesie, pants, and socks. Maybe a sweatshirt, hats, mittens, etc., depending on the season and your local weather.
You also won’t know the size of baby yet, so packing a newborn size and a 0-3 month size outfit is a good idea.
Extra canvas bag or two
The hospital is going to give you so much stuff. You have no idea. They’ll be loading you up with all the stuff they can’t use with someone else or just to be helpful. This means literature, spare diapers, spare pads/mesh underwear for you, a spare swaddle, etc. My hospital even sent us home with formula during the shortage, and it was a lifesaver. So, bring a couple of extra canvas bags so you can pack up all the stuff.
Obviously, this can’t fit in your bag. But do not forget the car seat! They will not let you go home with your baby unless you have a cat seat! Just keep it in your car, actually. Install the base and just keep it in your car. Car seat = #1 most essential thing.
That’s it, really. There are other things you could pack, but these are the only things I think you really need. Presumably, you’ll only be in the hospital for up to a few days, which isn’t actually a lot of time, though it might seem like it. So, don’t stress about your hospital bag too much. When that’s packed, you can read more about what to know for the postpartum stage!

Erin Lafond is a writer, website creator, and mom. She survived new motherhood by Googling things a lot, calling her mother, and embracing trial and error. Now, she shares her knowledge with all new moms. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband and two sons.