Essential Items for Your Diaper Bag

Last updated on October 29th, 2024 at 02:43 pm

Your bag for going out becomes a crucial part of your life once you have a baby. You can’t leave the house without it, and it needs to store everything you might need as you’re out and about. You don’t need everything under the sun, but there are some set essentials that I recommend. So, let’s talk about what you need when you compile your diaper bag.

Diaper bag

First, obviously, you’ll need a diaper bag. I would recommend getting a bag with an insulated pouch so you can easily bring formula or breast milk with you if needed. It’s even useful as they start eating solids, so you bring whatever food they’re eating. I also think side pockets are useful for storing things you need to access easily, like pacifiers.

That being said, you don’t need to get a bag that’s marketed as a diaper bag. You can just get any backpack or bag that you like that also has an insulated pocket. Whatever you feel comfortable with. If you’d prefer a larger or smaller bag, all the power to you.


This one’s a gimme, but I wanted to make sure I included it. I would recommend around 6-8 diapers. That way, you have all the diapers you need.


Also a gimme, but super important. You’ll need a packet of wipes.

Changing pads

There are two types of changing pads, and I recommend having one of them. There is a travel changing pad, which you can reuse and simply wipe down. Or there are disposable changing pads that you can simply throw away. Which one you use is going to depend on how much space you have in your bag and which type you find easier to deal with.

Bags for disposing of dirty diapers

Odds are, you’re not going to just be able to throw a diaper out in a trash can. It’s gross and smelly. So, you’ll want some sort of bag system, so you can tie it up and throw it away. I personally use grocery bags, but there are disposable diaper bags specifically for going out. They often smell nice. There are also biodegradable trash bags, which can be a great option if you’re concerned about the environment.


At one of my first son’s early doctor appointments, we forgot the pacifiers, and it was a complete disaster. We couldn’t get him to calm down, and eventually, the doctor just gave us a couple of pacifiers, which, from that point forward, stayed in the diaper bag except for when we cleaned them. Pacifiers are your best friends for going out.

Burp cloths

You’ll want at least two good-sized burp cloths. Spit up happens, and you’ll want some easy way of cleaning it up. Plus, they’re good if you need to feed your baby. You might also want to put in some bibs if you find that easier for feeding.

Spare clothes

When my boys were younger, I made sure I had at least two outfits on hand at any given time, one long sleeve and one short sleeve, along with things like socks and hats. Personally, I maintain that this is a good idea. As I said, babies tend to spit up, and blowouts tend to happen. You want to make sure you’re covered if they need an outfit change.

Diaper rash cream

You don’t need a huge tube, but having some diaper rash cream on hand is going to make your life easier. You hate to put a diaper onto a red bum that needs some soothing. Personally, we use Aquaphor diaper rash cream.

A couple of small toys

Again, you don’t need anything major. But maybe a rattle or a crunchy book. Something that’s going to distract your little one if you need to talk to someone or simply calm them down.

Seasonal items

In the summer, you’re probably going to want sunscreen and a wide-brim hat. In the winter, you might want to add a blanket and extra mittens in case they need extra warmth. Think through the weather in your area and what makes sense for your diaper bag.

Anything specific to you or your baby

This includes things like medication. It might also include a phone charger or water bottle for you. Anything that either of you specifically needs to go outside the house.

That’s really it. Everything else is helpful, but it doesn’t necessarily need to take up space in your diaper bag. Obviously, you’ll need feeding supplies if you’ll be gone for long enough. (Pro tip: a travel formula dispenser can be super helpful!) Just be sure to check the bag each time before you leave the house. That way, you’re never caught with low supplies because you forgot your baby threw up on their spare outfit last time.

Anything that you find particularly helpful for your diaper bag?

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