6 Easy Halloween Activities for Babies

We’re looking forward to Fall, and my favorite holiday, Halloween! It’s easy to want to get into the Halloween spirit with your little one. You want to have fun with them during this magical time, but it can be hard to know what to do. There are tons of activities out there for toddlers, but when it comes to easy Halloween activities for babies, not so much. So, here’s how you can have some fun during your baby’s first Halloween.

Some notes on these Halloween activities for babies

When I was putting together this list, I was careful about a couple of things. One, most babies put most things in their mouths. I didn’t want to put any activity on the list during which your baby would be able to put something unsafe in their mouth. Two, I tried to be thoughtful about activities that would be beneficial to either you or your baby. Meaning, there are some activities that are really for you (like candy corn footprints) and some activities that are great for stimulating their little brains.

I also want to warn you, in case you’re thinking that any activity is going to engage your baby for a really long time, that this probably won’t be the case. You might get lucky, and they sit there for twenty minutes, working on the activity. More likely, they’ll be done after five. It makes the prep work seem silly (which is why we’re going with EASY Halloween activities), but remember that it’s still good for them to have new experiences.

With that out of the way, here we go!

Candy Corn Footprint

I love this Halloween activity for documenting how tiny your baby’s little feet were. It’s relatively easy with your main supplies being non-toxic paint and construction paper unless you also want to frame it like the blog suggests. I can absolutely understand wanting to frame this craft because it’s adorable.

Halloween Bath

I like this Halloween activity for babies, but I would modify it for age. If you put little spiders or eyeballs into a bath, they will most likely try to eat them. But the idea of putting food coloring into the bathtub and putting in Halloween toys is great! I think an older baby would have a lot of fun with small Halloween buckets. You could also just get some Halloween bath toys.

Pumpkin Play

I love this Halloween activity for babies! It’s such a great way to introduce them to different textures, and it’s easy to make and clean up. If you’re carving pumpkins or roasting them for baby food, then you’re already scooping out pumpkin guts. Might as well create an activity around it! I would recommend taping it to the window (like in this picture) or to their high chair tray.

Halloween Sensory Bags

Sensory bags or bottles are always a great and easy activity for babies. These bloggers turned them into a Halloween activity! They’re pretty easy to create, and just like with the pumpkin bags, you can tape them to their high chair tray or another hard surface. If you’re going to just hand them to your baby, I would keep a close watch and use sturdy freezer bags.

Sea Salt Dough Handprint

If you’re looking for a fun way to preserve your baby’s handprint, this pumpkin handprint is adorable. This craft is a little more material and time intensive, but it can be worth it to have that amazing record of how small they were.

Edible Eyeballs

I like this Halloween activity for babies because it gives them a fun texture to play with, but if they eat them, it’s not the worst thing in the world. They’re made with unflavored gelatin. This blogger notes that they don’t taste good, which might keep your baby from really eating them. But still, it’s a good way to give them something fun to play with!

Hopefully, these fun and easy Halloween activities for babies will give you some inspiration for the upcoming fall season! Which idea is your favorite? Let me know below!

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