Sample Work From Home Mom Schedule
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Last updated on April 7th, 2024 at 02:50 pm
If you’ve read my tips for working from home with a baby, then you know that I’ve had to figure out how to balance work with my young son. I wanted to share my work from home mom schedule in case it was helpful to new moms out there who are trying to balance working from home with childcare.
I want to say before I start that there are a couple of things that make my life easier, and I want to acknowledge these things. First, my husband also works from home, and he helps when he can (he has a less flexible job than I do). He’s a great father who even takes over when he gets out of work, so I can have a break from childcare.
Second, I have an extremely flexible job that allows me to work odd hours. Finally, I do only have one child, so that’s what this schedule is based around. I imagine things are more difficult with multiple children. (Update: I’ve had a second kid, and here’s what I do now!) That being said, here’s my work from home mom schedule!
Morning Schedule
6:30 AM
We wake up, and my son has his first bottle of the day. Then, my son has his upright time in my lap while I start the workday. (He loves to sit and watch me work! Sometimes I have to keep his little hands away from my laptop, but it works.)
7:15 AM
My son switches to the baby lounger, and he plays with toys next to me while I get some more work done.
8 AM
He usually starts getting sleepy at this point, so he goes down for his morning nap. I eat some breakfast, drink some tea, and work aggressively.
9:30 AM
My son usually wakes up around this time (sometimes a little earlier). I get him dressed for the day, and we have his morning meal of pureed fruit and some yogurt.
10 AM
My son plays in his huge playpen with all his toys, and I get some work done.
10:30 AM
He has his second bottle of the day and does his upright time in my lap while I work.
11:15 AM
My son goes back into the playpen or back into the lounger, depending on his mood. Sometimes, I can get work done during this part, and sometimes he’s too fussy. So, we’ll have some fun together by reading books or playing in his playpen together. (Yes, his playpen is that big. It takes up half my living room.)
Afternoon Schedule
12 PM
Around this time, my son starts to get tired again. So, he goes down for his afternoon nap, and I go back to work. Just like with his morning nap, I work aggressively and get some food.
1:30 PM
My son wakes up around this time. Normally, he’s in a good mood, so he can play by himself while I continue working.
2:30 PM
We have our third bottle of the day here, and I work during his upright time.
3:15 PM
More playtime here! Usually, we play together because my son starts to get fussy around this time of day. So, we play with his toys, listen to music, and read books.
4 PM
Typically, my son goes down for his final nap of the day here. It’s a short nap, but it helps keep him from getting too fussy before bedtime. I usually either work here or do some necessary chores. Also, a snack.
4:30 PM
This is when my husband gets out of work and officially takes over active childcare. I finish up my workday and get anything left over done.
Evening Schedule
5 PM
When my son wakes up around 5 PM, my husband gets him up and plays with him. During this time, I typically chill out a bit and just try and decompress from the day.
5:30 PM
My son has his second meal of the day with my husband, who feeds him some veggies. I continue to decompress.
6 PM
After my son’s had his meal, my husband does bath time. I start to take care of any necessary chores that didn’t get done that day. This includes laundry, any cleanup that needs to happen before dinner is cooked, etc.
6:30 PM
My son has his final bottle of the day and upright time with my husband, and I either chill or do chores depending on the day.
7:15 PM
My son goes to bed. My husband and I do dinner, and we take care of any chores that need to get done. I’ll often be making baby food while my husband cleans the kitchen/bottles.
9 PM
My bedtime! I’m pretty strict about when I go to bed because otherwise, I’m non-functional the next day. Sometimes, I don’t go to sleep when I go to bed. I’ll listen to music or read or watch YouTube. But I’ll at least be in bed around that time.
Obviously, my work from home mom schedule won’t work for everyone. What your schedule looks like is based on your child’s age, how many children you have, what kind of job you have, and what kind of support you have. But hopefully, this sample might give you some ideas to work with and just give you a glimpse of what your schedule could be.
Have any questions? Drop them below! I’m happy to answer!

Erin Lafond is a writer, website creator, and mom. She survived new motherhood by Googling things a lot, calling her mother, and embracing trial and error. Now, she shares her knowledge with all new moms. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband and two sons.