10 Affordable Date Ideas

Last updated on April 4th, 2024 at 06:49 am

When you’re a parent, it can be so hard to get some alone time or figure out the best date idea. Most parents have to get a sitter or hand their children over to a grandparent to get that coveted time together. But just because that time is so special doesn’t necessarily mean you want to spend a lot of money. You’ve got all of those monthly baby expenses to think about. But no worries! There are tons of affordable date night ideas, and you can find one that works for you. These are all date ideas that allow you to leave the house and enjoy yourselves. The best part is that many of these ideas are great for family outings, too!

Go for a hike

If you live in or near the country, one date idea that might work for you is a nice nature hike. Not only is this great for exercise, but it can be so much fun to accomplish a task like hiking a mountain together. The best part is that many great hiking places are free, but if you want to use your local state park, admission is usually pretty inexpensive. If you’re bringing baby along, you can use a baby carrier.

Go to a local museum

I love going to museums! There are many different kinds of museums, too, like art museums, science museums, and history museums. Depending on the museum, admission might not be too expensive. Check their websites, too! Many museums have discounted or even free days that you can go. It’ll probably be busy, but it will still be fun. Your local library might have passes at well that will get you a discount. Just be sure to book these in advance because they tend to go fast.

This is another place where a stroller or baby carrier means you can take your baby with you. Most likely, they won’t care much about anything in the museum, but that’s okay. You can focus on each other.

Go roller skating or ice skating

This is one of my all-time favorite affordable date ideas. Getting into a roller rink or ice skating rink is usually pretty inexpensive. If you don’t have your own skates, you can rent them from the rink. Dress appropriately and spend a few romantic hours skating and talking. This is one where you definitely want to leave your little one with someone else, though.

Go to local fairs

Especially during the summer and fall, there can be fun local fairs where you can walk around, eat some great food, and maybe go on rides. Depending on the fair and how much you buy, it can be pretty cheap to get in. You’ll also have a lot of different food options, so you can choose how much you want to spend on your meals for the day. Just know that a fair can definitely get expensive depending on what you do. The good news is that your little one will most likely get in for free. So grab the stroller if you need to and enjoy each other’s company.


This is another one of my favorite affordable date ideas. Renting a bowling lane and some shoes is usually pretty cheap, and you can have so much fun for a couple of hours. Not to mention, it has the added bonus of being a fun competition. You could always switch the baby back and forth during each other’s turns, but you’ll have an easier time if it’s just the two of you.

Have a picnic

This is a great activity for a nice day when you two just want to spend some quality time talking together. You can keep it simple or get fancy with your food choices. Find a nice local park and throw down a blanket. This is also a great idea if you have limited time for your date because it’s not complicated. The only logistics to think about are what you want to eat. This is an easy one to bring baby along for, too.

Volunteer together

Whether you live in the suburbs or the city, there are always great local charities that could use your help. From food pantries to fundraising events to collecting signatures, there are many options out there for contributing to your local community. Find a non-profit issue that you’re both passionate about and spend some time volunteering. Whether or not you can bring baby along depends on where you’re volunteering and what you’re doing.

Take a walk downtown

Even if you don’t buy anything, it can be so much fun walking through a downtown area and seeing all the shops. I love it when there are antique shops or tourist shops. There are always fun knickknacks if you want a cheap souvenir for the day, or you can just look. Either way, it can be an enjoyable afternoon, and you can always bring the stroller if need be!

There also might be some amazing restaurants that you’ve never tried before. You can simply look around and see what looks good. Take note of the crowds because any place with a good-sized crowd is where you want to be – that means the food is good.

Take a class together

There are lots of fun classes you can take, whether you want to get creative with art, learn how to cook, or try a new language/skill. Check out places like Groupon and your local museums and shops. There are often pretty inexpensive places that will teach you a new skill. Your local library might also hold classes every once in a while that you can register for, and these are usually cheap or even free.

Go to the drive-in movie theater

Drive-in movie theaters are so much fun. You can bring your own food or buy concessions there. It’s an old-school method of watching a movie that can be a great experience. Plus, they usually have double features, so more bang for your buck! This is definitely an easy one to bring baby along for, too.

These affordable date ideas can help get you out of the house and do something fun together. When picking a date night idea, just think about what you’re both interested in. If you’re outdoorsy people, go hiking, fishing, or boating. If you’re more indoor people, try bowling or a museum. Or just try something completely new! Whatever you end up doing, the important thing is that you’re spending time together.

What are your favorite date night ideas?

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